Thursday, August 5, 2010

Congressman Lamar Smith disrespects the Consitution

Congressman Smith said, "When Congress returns from recess, I plan to introduce a resolution condemning today's decision and urging an immediate appeal. The voters of California are not the only ones who lost today. This decision defies the voice of all citizens who have sought to define marriage in their states as the union between one man and one woman. Judge Walker's actions should be opposed and the decision should be swiftly overturned."

What about freedom? The tyranny of the majority is not the rule of law in this country. The foundation of our country rests upon a document he has sworn to uphold, but apparently had his fingers crossed when he did so. The Constitution guarantees equal protection to all, regardless of the opinion of a majority of voters who believe their view of the world is the only "legal" view. Freedom always wins in the end. Lets hope that those who wish to infringe on the Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of others, start losing.

Congressman Smith is up for re-election in November. Vote for somebody else.

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