Can one save paper and do what's needed with a single square of toilet paper?
Yes! Depending on how one counts...
How about three wipes with three squares? Not quite to the Sheryl Crow Standard, but close enough, and it works...
- Tear off a strip three-squares long
- Fold in thirds, so one now has a stack of squares, three sheets thick
- Use once
- Carefully fold stack in half, so that soiled side is inside
- Use again
- Carefully fold in half again, again so newly soiled side is inside
- Use again
If you are really good, multiple uses are possible in steps 3 and 5.
Actually, I found four squares work the best to start, still folded in thirds.
Note: avoid using a multiple of six squares if folding in thirds. That leaves overlapping seams right in the middle of the stack, and, well, fingers tend to poke through easily.